Thursday, February 25, 2010

3 informative sites that discuss sustainability


LEED certification provides independent, third-party verification that a building project meets the highest green building and performance measures. It is a good strategy to  consider sustainable design early in the design process. There are many benefits to earning LEED certification: 
Lower operating costs and increase asset value.
Reduce waste sent to landfills.
Conserve energy and water.
Be healthier and safer for occupants.
Reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
Qualify for tax rebates, zoning allowances and other incentives in hundreds of cities.
Demonstrate an owner's commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Eco Business links is a great website to find GREEN Resources. I have used this website to find local & sustainable manufacturers for previous sustainable projects. Eco Business links also provides links to baby & child products, organic flowers and gifts, organic food, books, arts, crafts, and design, used products, retail, and body care as well! 

Ecohaus is another website that I have used to find sustainable products. They provide links to sustainable building materials, flooring, kitchen & bath, paints & finishes, new products, ways to be efficient, lifestyle, and outdoor. It is a informative website as well as a showroom you can visit.
Ecohaus believes that everyone cares about the health of the planet. Not just movie stars, activists and dreamers, but every one of us. We all want to live in a world with clean air, abundant forests, thriving communities and a future full of promise.At the same time, they realize that anyone who builds or remodels has one priority above all: to create a beautiful, healthy home where everything works.Ecohaus connects these two ideals simply by offering the best building products made locally and around the world.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Assignment 1 - Project concept ideas


  • Kate Guillien, age 23, hair stylist
  • Husband- Kolin Guillien, age 23, Military
  • 2 dogs, a black pug named Gimlet and a English Bulldog named Kolbee
  • Expecting a baby girl named in May
  • Kate lived in Federal Way, WA since she was in 5th grade
  • Meet husband when he was stationed at Fort Lewis 
  • Married in 2008 and now currently live in LaCrosse, Wisconsin 
  • Husband reenlisting and being stationed in Washington, Fort Lewis
  • a salon experience for EVERYONE: busy professional, super-mom or dad, struggling student, sassy grandma, or a teenage boy. 
  • Located in Seattle??
  • Small business- Salon
  • style- modern, eclectic 
  • comfortable, soothing, relaxing, fun, and natural atmosphere
  • colors- orange, light orange, red, pink, black, white, gray
  • Sustainable materials, GREEN
  • open floor plan
  • concrete flooring
  • brick wall
  • cherry blossom or nature mural 
  • round or square color bar in the middle of salon
  • horizontal mirror with frames in front of chairs
  • suspended blow dryer, straightener, & curling iron from ceiling
  • Reception Desk
  • Waiting area
  • Shelving for products
  • Bathroom for staff & clients
  • Large area for salon chairs
  • Color bar w/ sink and storage
  • Staff room w/ lockers, table, sink, ref.
  • Staff bathroom in back 
  • Back room for color storage and laundry- enough room to fold 
  • Managers office- desk, shelving, storage

My first blog!

This is the beginning of a good thing! I'm so excited to have my own blog!